Norman Holmes
- Life of Significance and Reward (Bahasa Indonesia & English)
- Running the Race (Bahasa Indonesia & English)
- The Purpose of Shakings
- 11th Hour Message (with English Slides)
- 11th Hour Message (With Tagalog Slides)
- There Remains a Sabbath Rest
- The Anointing of the Spirit of Wisdom
- The Testings of God
- The Test of Circumcision
- Portraits of Christ
- Christ the Winnower
- Servant Leadership
- Should I Write?
- The Making of an Anointed Christian Author
- Presenting the Message
- Preparing the Joshua Generation
- The Importance of Developing our Talents
- The Second Coming and the Last Days
Linda Holmes
Seth Baluyot
- The Field is the World
- Rest in the Day of Trouble
- Our Tests Become Our Testimony
- The Anointing to Preach